“We are running out of time. If we want to fight climate change, we must move quickly, effectively, and together.” —Sara Molnar, Brand President, Peak Performance
The second you produce anything, you leave a mark. With the new Sustainability Performance Report 2021, Peak Performance aims to give consumers, business partners, and employees an understanding of their sustainability work, the progress that has been made since last year, and the way forward.
Some of Peak Performance’s sustainability highlights from 2021:
- Launched their first second-hand initiative, WearAgains.
- Committed to set short-term companywide emissions reduction goals in line with climate science within the Science Based Target Initiative.
- Actively participated in the work of the Swedish Textile Initiative for Climate Action.
- Increased the use of 3D modelling 66% compared to previous year.
- Circular Fashion Partnership in Bangladesh; collected a total of 31 tons of waste that was sent to textile-to-textile recycling.
- Introduced new company value: responsibility.
- Lead to Empower development program focusing on training the brand’s management team and leaders.
- Together with Amer Sports, implemented the Fair Labor Association standards in the Peak Performance supply chain.
Download and read the full Peak Performance Sustainability Performance Report 2021 on Peakperformance.com.
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