
Amer Sports’ sustainability strategy is based on the idea of continuous improvement, transparency, and accountability.
To ensure the successful implementation of the sustainability strategy, we have a clear structure for our sustainability governance in place.
Our sustainability governance approach supports our leadership in accelerating sustainability actions in the defined key topics, and in tight alignment with Amer Sports’ overall strategy. This approach lays a solid foundation for a process that considers the economic, social, and environmental impacts of our decision-making, and for aligning those decisions with our sustainability targets.
The Board of the Directors supports our sustainability journey and helps us to achieve our targets as a company. Our sustainability strategy is endorsed by the Board of Directors.
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is a Board Committee which reviews Amer Sports actions in furtherance of sustainability, including considering the impact of our procedures and processes on employees, citizens, communities, and sustainability programs.
The Executive Board monitors the direction of the Sustainability Strategy, goals, and initiatives, supervises the Sustainability Strategy implementation, performance, and reporting, and manages resource allocations for the sustainability strategy and team.
The Group Sustainability team plays a central role in implementing the Sustainability Strategy and driving its material topics together with the brands and key functions.