Responsible procurement

We are dedicated to continuously improving our performance regarding labor, workplace conditions, and environmental issues in our supply chain.
We aim to engage in business only with companies that meet our standards for ethical operations and comply with the applicable laws and regulations for labor, workplace conditions, and environmental compliance.
Amer Sports’ procurement is guided through our Ethical Policy, Social and Environmental Compliance Benchmarks, and Due Diligence, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.
Amer Sports Ethical Policy
The Ethical Policy is an integral part of Amer Sports’ responsible operations strategy and is fully aligned with Fair Labor Association (FLA) standards. We expect our entire value chain to operate according to the principles laid out in our Ethical Policy, which is attached to the supplier agreement and signed by suppliers, confirming their compliance with the policy. The policy covers the employment relationship, legal compliance and monitoring, child labor, forced labor, harassment and abuse, discrimination, working hours and compensation, health and safety, environmental and chemical safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining, and communication with workers.
The Amer Sports Group Executive Committee is responsible for upholding our Ethical Policy and reviewing it on a regular basis.
Download our Ethical Policy
The Ethical Policy is available in 31 languages. Choose your preferred language:
Social and Environmental Compliance Benchmarks
The Amer Sports Ethical Policy standards are explained further in our Social and Environmental Compliance Benchmarks. Social and Environmental Compliance Benchmarks provide detailed information on how employers comply with Amer Sports’ standards, as supplemented by the compliance benchmarks and applicable national and international laws, rules, legal regulations, and industry best practices. This program equally applies to Amer Sports’ self-owned operations facilities. The audit program ensures that suppliers comply with the social and labor standards in the Ethical Policy throughout the entire supplier lifecycle.
The Benchmarks include 15 cross-references that guide employers’ responsibilities relating to areas such as human rights, health and safety, environmental standards, employment relationships management, and good governance.
Living Wage Commitment in Finished Goods Manufacturing
Amer Sports is committed to progressively striving towards living wages for workers in its finished goods manufacturing. We collaborate closely with our suppliers to ensure that workers are compensated fairly, at minimum meeting the local legal requirements. To address wage gaps, we collect and compare data from our finished goods factories against recognized wage benchmarks.
We engage with suppliers, governments, civil society organizations, and unions to foster dialogue and collaboration, driving continuous improvements in our compensation practices.
Due Diligence, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
We express a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, human trafficking, child labor, or any form of forced labor, and actively work to prevent adverse human rights impacts in its value chain and improve working conditions. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and implementing effective systems and controls to safeguard against any form of forced labor, modern slavery, or child labor within our business or supply chains.
We regularly monitor public sources and our internal reporting channels for any reports related to modern slavery practices in our business and within our supply chain. Social and labor audit scores and number of critical issues (related to forced and child labor but also others) are an essential part of the suppliers’ scorecard, and we review it monthly.
Norwegian Transparency Act Report
The Norwegian Transparency Act promotes enterprises’ respect for basic human rights and decent working conditions when producing goods and offering services. It ensures the public has access to information about how businesses deal with negative consequences for basic human rights and decent working conditions.
Amer Sports Norway AS is committed to responsible behavior and to contributing to a sustainable value chain for our products and services.