Supply chain transparency

Our global supply chain is a complex network with its operations, supplier partners, and employees in different countries who all work diligently on our products. This creates job opportunities for workers, but also human rights risks that require proactive mitigation and management.
We manufacture one fifth of our products ourselves and outsource approximately four fifths. A small percentage is partially outsourced. Our outsourced products are produced by qualified suppliers around the world, with a significant portion from Asia. Approximately one-third of Amer Sports’ production value is generated in China, while almost half is generated elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific, and the remainder in Europe and the Americas.
We monitor and aim to continuously improve the social, environmental, and material compliance of our global suppliers. The work includes vendor qualification and product industrialization, contract management, price negotiations, procurement processes, optimization, and export administration.
Depending on the severity of non-compliances, we reserve the right to terminate business relations with suppliers that do not collaborate in the remediation process. We apply the same standards, monitoring and improvement principles to our distribution centers, and wholly and partially self-owned factories alike.
Our sourcing teams within brands and the Amer Sports Group are responsible for vendor qualification and product industrialization, contract management and price negotiations, procurement process optimization, and export administration.
List of Amer Sports suppliers
To ensure the highest level of transparency, we publish a list of our major finished goods suppliers. The list also includes some indirect suppliers, such as direct material suppliers.